Onto what's coming up:

Also this weekend, celebrate Arts Alive
on the streets of Langley. From 11-3 on Saturday, over 50 artists will
be demonstrating their talents. Click here for details
http://www.visitlangley.com/ arts_alive/
DJANGOFEST 2014 is just around the corner. Langley will be filled with music on street corners, restaurants, and
actual concerts and workshops throughout town...visit the WICA website
for all the details. www.wicaonline.com We will be hosting the Saturday night jam
session...after the show we'll plan on staying open until at least 1:30 and
serving a limited menu from 10 pm until at least midnight.
Be sure to call us for reservations...this is one of Langley's busiest weekends.
Slow Food Whidbey Island is presenting TASTE OF WHIDBEY on September 28th at Greenbank Farms from 1-4.
Lots of bites and sips from local restaurants, wineries, bakeries,
coffee roasters, all featuring local product. These tickets sell out
fast, so be sure to order yours today at www.brownpapertickets.com or contact taste@whidbey for an auto response of ticket seller locations on the island. Because Georgie at Willowood Farms told us she has a plethora of "toddler head sized beets" we will be preparing beets 3 ways. Hope to see you there!
Here's a little video from last year's event...look for the cute kid in the yellow penguin sweater...that's our youngest. http://whidbeytv.com/a-bite-![]() |
We now have tote bags and kids t-shirts on sale...aren't they cute?!? |
WE WILL BE CLOSED OCTOBER 6th and 7th for a deep clean and a deep breath.
To hear up to the minute updates from us please like us on facebook:
or follow us on twitter:
and find us on Instagram!
Don't forget: Mondays are restaurant industry day (20% off bill), every day is teacher discount day (10% off), and Thursdays are live music night!
Make absolute sure you check out the Whidbey Island Fine Art Studio's website for very exciting destination workshops with amazing artists!
http://www.whidbeyislandfas. com/
As always, thanks so much for the patronage and hope to see you very soon.http://www.whidbeyislandfas.