Please accept our apologies as we are trying to get this into a shareable format...but just want to get this info out ASAP to give applicants the time they need to complete the application. Start thinking of how you are going to show us that you are the one in a unique and creative, menu, essay, etc! Can't wait for the applications to start rolling in!
The Natanya Johnson Scholarship Fund awards a scholarship in the Culinary Arts, the Red Spatula Award, to one young woman from South Whidbey each year. This will provide a head start in a demanding but exciting career in the commercial kitchen, more often than not a man’s domain. It takes a strong, dedicated woman to excel in that environment – the goal is to defy those stereotypes and put women back in the kitchen in a position of authority and power.
The scholarship includes tuition for a two-year (maximum) Culinary Arts program at a western Washington Community College of the recipients’ choice, as well as books and supplies. Tuition and the cost of supplies, according to the chosen institution’s guidelines, will be paid directly to the institution based upon submitted receipts; total funds are not to exceed $12,000. Student’s status will be reviewed quarterly; grades must be submitted to the Natanya Johnson Scholarship Fund (NJSF) Board of Trustees (BOT). Recipients must meet the minimum credit, grade, general education and related instruction requirements of the institution. The NJSF BOT reserves the right to revoke the Red Spatula Award (RSA) at any time based on the recipient’s unsatisfactory performance. The scholarship will also be revoked if/when the recipient withdraws from their chosen culinary arts program. Participation in future fundraising efforts of the NJSF is required: prior to the final quarter of the program and disbursement thereof, the recipient must provide the NJSF BOT with a satisfactory example of how they will provide future support.
The RSA is to be awarded but not limited to young women who are current or past graduates of South Whidbey High School and South Whidbey Academy (formerly Bayview High School and Whidbey Island Academy). Applicants from South Whidbey will have priority consideration; connection to the South Whidbey environs is recommended but not mandatory.
Food industry experience is required, references will be checked. Please demonstrate to the NJSF BOT why you are interested, that you understand the demands of the field and are willing to meet them; specify your goals and how you will implement this training and experience in the future. Convince us you are “the one” in a format of your choice: write an essay, shoot a video, design a menu, develop a recipe, etc.; creativity is encouraged as it is a mandatory requirement for success in this field. Finalists will be interviewed in person. All applications should be sent to the Natanya Johnson Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 976, Langley, WA 98260; please include a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Applications must be received by March 1, 2013; the Red Spatula Award will be awarded in May. Candidates must be accepted to and enrolled in the program of their choosing within six months of receiving the RSA. If the applicant is not awarded the scholarship it is highly recommended that they continue to reapply; further experience in the industry will be recognized.
Complete and meet requirements of the South Whidbey High School Local Scholarship Common Application form (available at as of February 1, 2013) ; please write a cover letter explaining your intent and provide three letters of recommendation. See “Application Requirements” above for additional information.
DISCLAIMER: Any exceptions to the above requirements will be considered and approved at the sole discretion of the NJSF BOT. None of the requirements are intended to be discouraging or exclusionary. All applications will be considered on a case by case basis, the BOT will exercise the right of final approval.